Ramadan & Corona Lockdown in India

April 17, 2020

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Asalam alaikum,
With Ramadan around the corner and Covid19, India’s most poor are facing hunger and lockdown without hope of conditions improving anytime soon. BBC Reports India’s poor ‘fear hunger may kill us before coronavirus.’
Join us LIVE with Imam Suhaib Webb and Harsh Mander.
Imam Suhaib Webb is a contemporary American Muslim Resident Scholar and educator. Imam Webb has studied at Al-Azhar and strongly advocates for an authentic articulation of the American Muslim identity.
Harsh Mander is an activist who works with survivors of mass violence & hunger, as well as homeless persons & street children. He is the Director of the Centre for Equity Studies & is a Special Commissioner to the Supreme Court in the Right to Food case.
Proceeds from this program will benefit IMRC’s Corona Feeding Program. We’re delivering 10,000 meals daily. With your support we can continue this crucial program. $25 supports a family for one month with essential groceries and spices.
We encourage everyone to share and attend this event with others.


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