Water Drive

Lifeline for Communities

Winter Drive

Share the Warmth

Education Drive

Empowering Generations

Feeding Drive

Together against hunger!

Healthcare Drive

Healing Lives, One Step at a Time

Orphans Drive

Brightening Futures Together

Benefitting over 1.6 Million Beneficiaries

About IMRC

We are a non-profit organization that supports good causes and positive change in India’s Muslims & minorities.

We strive to bring awareness of the status of Muslims and minorities in India with the intention of one day alleviating poverty. The donations we raise from individuals throughout the United States and United Kingdom, fund our charitable projects in India and help us meet our objectives.


Grocery kits distributed


patients treated for free at our health clinics


Orphans Supported


Water Wells Constructed

Your Funds In The Right Hands



Addressing hunger with compassion through food distribution, community gardens, and nutritional education initiatives.

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Transforming lives by providing clean, safe water through wells, filtration systems, and hygiene education.

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Providing vital healthcare services to those in need, ensuring well-being and resilience in our communities.

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Supporting orphaned children with love, care, education, and opportunities for a brighter future.

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Empowering individuals to break the cycle of poverty through access to quality education, scholarships, and resources.

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Addressing hunger with compassion through food distribution, community gardens, and nutritional education initiatives.


Transforming lives by providing clean, safe water through wells, filtration systems, and hygiene education.


Providing vital healthcare services to those in need, ensuring well-being and resilience in our communities.


Supporting orphaned children with love, care, education, and opportunities for a brighter future.


Empowering individuals to break the cycle of poverty through access to quality education, scholarships, and resources

Upcoming Events

Explore dynamic gatherings that empower, inspire, and foster connections, driving positive change in our community and beyond.
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Latest News & Updates

February 11, 2024


February 10, 2023

IMRC New England Chapter presents its 12th Annual Benefit Dinner

August 31, 2022

IMRC Events at ISNA Convention 2022

April 21, 2022

Religious clashes across India spark fears of further violence

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Get updates about our life-saving work and the impact we are making for a better tomorrow!

Support a Project

IMRC’s supports many programs and projects throughout India

Become a Volunteer

You can Volunteer to give a help hand in spreading smiles across India

Make a Donation

Make impact by donation & Spread smiles across Indian Muslims

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