Brightening Futures Together

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said - “I & the one who cares for an Orphan will be together in paradise like this(and he held his two fingers together) [BUKHARI]

Supporting orphaned children with love, care, education, and opportunities for a brighter future.
India has 29.6 million orphaned and abandoned children, which is more than the population of Sri Lanka.

Supporting Other Orphans Drive Across India

Every child deserves a loving home, a quality education, and a bright future. Through our dedicated efforts at Challenger Home, our orphanage in Hyderabad, we are paving the way for a better life for orphaned children.
But we can’t do it alone – we need your help to reach even more children in need across India.

Imagine the heart-wrenching stories of children who have been left without parents or a place to call home. Their innocent eyes filled with confusion and longing for a loving embrace. At Challenger Home, we refuse to let these children’s stories end in sorrow. We open our doors, wrap our arms around them, and provide love, care, and support when they need it the most.

Through Our Orphans Drive Project, You Can help In 2 Ways:

At Challenger Home
This is our own dedicated orphanage in Hyderabad. Give children a comfortable home, education, healthcare, clothing, and loving care.
Support Orphanages
This is our own dedicated orphanage in Hyderabad. Give children a comfortable home, education, healthcare, clothing, and loving care.

India has 29.6 million orphaned and abandoned children, which is more than the population of Sri Lanka2. This makes up almost 4% of the youth population in India.

Of these 30 million children, only 370,000 of them are in childcare institutions, which means that most of them are living on the streets, in slums, or in exploitative situations.

Adoption laws in India are strict and complicated, leading to very low numbers of adoptions. From March 2019 to March 2020, only 3,351 children were adopted.

Orphans in India face many challenges and risks, such as poverty, hunger, malnutrition, disease, abuse, trafficking, child labor, and lack of education.

Orphans in India are also vulnerable to social stigma and discrimination, especially those who belong to marginalized groups such as Muslims, scheduled castes, and scheduled tribes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the situation of orphans in India, as thousands more children have been orphaned or abandoned due to the loss of their parents or caregivers.

Your Generosity Transforms Lives

At IMRC, we are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those in need through our various humanitarian drives. From providing essential resources like food, clean water, and healthcare to empowering individuals through education and support, our organization strives to address key challenges facing communities around the world. With the generous support of donors like you, we are able to tackle issues such as poverty, hunger, lack of access to education and healthcare, and environmental concerns. Together, we can create a brighter future for all, one drive at a time.


We strive to bring awareness of the status of Muslims and minorities in India with the intention of one day alleviating poverty. The donations we raise from individuals throughout the United States and United Kingdom, fund our charitable projects in India and help us meet our objectives.

When you donate to IMRC, you are supporting a network of more than 100 organizations in India which range from providing services in education, social welfare institutions to medical clinics, emergency relief and much more.

But the need goes far beyond the children within our own walls. Across India, countless orphanages strive to provide a similar level of care and support to orphaned children. We’ve witnessed firsthand the dedication and passion of these orphanages, and we are committed to standing by their side

We ensure that basic needs are met, education is provided, and dreams are nurtured.

Annually, we support 1,300+ orphans, providing them with care, guidance and a brighter future.

Your monthly sponsorship will provide more than just material support; it will give these children a sense of belonging, a renewed hope for a brighter tomorrow. Through your generosity, they will no longer feel alone, abandoned, or forgotten. Instead, they will know that someone out there cares deeply about their well-being, their happiness, and their future

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of orphaned children? Through your support, we can further extend our reach, provide more comprehensive care, and give these children the opportunity they deserve. Let us show them that there is love, warmth, and a bright future waiting for them, no matter their past.

Sponsor an orphan with just $50 a month and become their beacon of hope!

You Can Make An Impact Today In India By Doing The Following:


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IMRC’s supports many programs and projects throughout India

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You can Volunteer to give a help hand in spreading smiles across India

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Make impact by donation & Spread smiles across Indian Muslims

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