Cyclone Ampham & Nisarga leave millions in need of urgent help

May 26, 2020

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Urgent Relief Appeal: Two Cyclones hit in 2 weeks

West Bengal & Coastal Maharashtra affected areas


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Video: Cyclone Relief Work

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Cyclone Amphan (West Bengal area) hit the region on May 21st forcing millions to evacuate across India and Bangladesh. This cyclone came at time where both India and Bangladesh struggled to bring the coronavirus outbreaks under control.

It was a disaster bigger than Covid-19, Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of the east Indian state of West Bengal.

Cyclone Nisarga (Coastal Mahrashtra) was the second cyclone to strike India in a little less than two weeks, recorded as the worst cyclone to hit the region in more than 70 years. The aftermath of any cyclone hitting a region is devastating, more so, for those facing poverty. Entire homes, neighborhoods and communities are uprooted and completely destroyed.

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Relief work has begun, your help is needed!

Our team has assessed the situation in both areas of West Bengal and Coastal Maharashtra.  We need your help today to help families with medicine, baby food and begin rebuilding their homes.

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Help an affected family with a new home

Most of the destroyed homes were made of corrugated tin sheets, tiles, bamboo and bricks.

  • $200 rebuilds a home in West Bengal (~200 homes identified)
  • $800 rebuilds a home in Coastal Maharashtra area (~100 homes identified)

School Support – $10,000 Needed

In addition to providing new homes for families and other relief assistance, a school that IMRC supports has been completely wiped away. Your help will enable us to rebuild this school.

$150,000 is needed for this entire relief program

Join IMRC, together we can reach our goal and make a difference for many families in urgent need. With the current pandemic, families were already left vulnerable to hunger and infection. Now many are homeless and desperate for our help.

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