Calculate your Zakat

Zakat Calculator

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Cash on Hand (Saving or Checking)
Shares, stocks, futures, retirement accounts, including their dividends and returns
Gold, silver and other certificates
Business net worth (total assets less liabilites)
Real Estate (exemptions main residence)
Other industrial & farming assets
Jewlery (men's and women's beyond customary amounts)
Net value of motor vehicles and recreational vehicle (boat, RV, etc.) (exemption one vehicle per driver)
Total of Assets Liable for Zakat
Outstanding debts, including personal loans and mortgages
Zakat-Eligible Total
Zakah Due*

Zakatul Mal

Zakat al–Mal (commonly called “Zakat“) is due when a person’s wealth reaches the nisab amount and can be paid anytime during the year. Zakat must be used to directly assist those in need; a few examples are feeding them, clothing them, sheltering them or educating them.
Zakat al-Mal is calculated by taking 2.5% of his/her total wealth.

Zakatul Fiter

Zakat al-Fitra is paid by the head of the household for each member of the family, before Eid ul-Fitr prayer. This is also referred as Fitra. The head of a family may pay Zakatul Fitr (Fitra) on behalf of his/her family. It is charity given to the poor towards the end of the month of Ramadan, serving two purposes:

  1. To complete and purify one’s fasts. The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: “The fasting of the month of fasting will hanging between Earth and Heavens and it will not be raised up to the Divine Presence without paying the Zakat al-Fitr”.

  2. To spread joy of Eid ul-Fitr by fulfilling the needs of the poor and needy.

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