About us

40+ years of providing real solution to real needs

About IMRC

We are a non-profit organization that supports good causes and positive change in India’s Muslims & minorities.

We strive to bring awareness of the status of Muslims and minorities in India with the intention of one day alleviating poverty. The donations we raise from individuals throughout the United States and United Kingdom, fund our charitable projects in India and help us meet our objectives.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help India’s Muslims & minorities achieve security, freedom and equality – Their rights as citizens of India.

Our mission is to ensure the rights of India’s Muslims and minorities. We advocate for an inclusive society built on equality, freedom, and security. By addressing challenges and dismantling barriers, we strive for an environment free from fear and discrimination. Our collective efforts aim to actively protect the rights of all citizens, fostering harmony and inclusivity for generations to come.
Benefitting over 1.6 Million Beneficiaries

Who We are

We have a dedicated team, visionary leaders and over 100 organizations on site in India to improve social structures and economic opportunities so minorities & Muslims in India can have the opportunity to reach their full potential, contribute to society, have a voice in decisions that affect them and live and work in dignity.

Indian Muslim Relief & Charities (IMRC) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization which began in 1981. We are located at 849 Independence Ave. Suite A, Mountain View, CA 94043. We work year round to assess the needs of Muslims and minorities in poverty struck areas of India and develop projects based on their needs.

Our Objectives

  • Provide information about the status of minorities and Muslims of India.

  • Provide immediate relief to victims of communal violence and/or natural disasters.

  • Provide economic and educational assistance to orphans and destitute children.
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Our Impact

The impact of our mission is far-reaching, as it extends beyond immediate changes to shape the very fabric of Indian society. By championing the rights of Muslims and minorities, we contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious nation where diversity is not only acknowledged but celebrated. The tangible outcomes include improved security, increased freedom, and a dismantling of systemic barriers. The ripple effect is felt in the lives of individuals, families, and communities, fostering a sense of belonging and equal opportunity. Ultimately, the enduring impact lies in the transformation of the social landscape, creating a legacy of justice, equality, and unity for future generations to inherit and build upon.

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Our Team

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Maqsood Quadri


Javed Sikander

Vice President

Nusrat Deen

Vice President

Omair Farooqui


Altaf Ghori

Board Member

Rauf Patel

Board Member

Homaira Naseem

Board Member

Zafar Shaikh

Chairman of Board of Trustees

Manzoor Ghori

Co Chairman and Executive Director

Najmul Hai

Board of Trustees

Saqib Syed

Board of Trustees

Dr. Alam Jahangir

Board of Trustees

Dr. Afzal Ahmed

Board Member

Mukarram Syed

Board Member

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IMRC’s supports many programs and projects throughout India

Become a Volunteer

You can Volunteer to give a help hand in spreading smiles across India

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Make impact by donation & Spread smiles across Indian Muslims

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