Together against hunger!

"And they give food, inspite of their love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive." - Qur'an [76:8]

Addressing hunger with compassion through food distribution, community gardens, and nutritional education initiatives
21.25% of India’s population lives below the international poverty line of US earning less than $1.90 a day.

Supporting Other Feeding Drive Across India

IMRC has been working to tackle the hunger crisis in India for over four decades. Our feeding drive provides cooked meals and monthly ration packs to the most vulnerable families across India. This year, we have provided meals to an astounding 10,300,000 beneficiaries, thanks to contributors like you.

Every cent you donate directly reaches underprivileged brothers and sisters across India, providing them a warm meal or monthly ration pack. Our dedicated volunteers work tirelessly across the country to ensure that all contributions reach the most in need promptly.

Over a quarter of the world’s undernourished population resides in India, grappling with food security challenges. But it’s one we can all take action against by contributing to our feeding drive. Together, we can combat hunger and build a brighter future across the nation.

Through Our Feeding Drive Project, You Can help In 2 Ways:

Family Food Packages ($25)
As a donor, you have the power to empower us to assemble and distribute carefully tailored food packages to vulnerable families across India. Each package is designed to offer sustenance and nourishment, bringing hope to individuals and their loved ones.
Warm Meals ($1 per meal)
A single dollar can transform a person's day immeasurably. By just donating $1, you sponsor a warm and nutritious meal for someone in need, filling an empty stomach, and bringing comfort, satisfaction and a sense of belonging to those who would otherwise go hungry.

Key Facts:

  • 21.25% of India’s population lives below the international poverty line of the US earning less than $1.90 a day.
  • 14% of India’s population is undernourished, and 17.3% of children suffer from wasting.
  • India ranks 107th out of 121 countries in the 2022 Global Hunger Index, indicating high levels of hunger.
  • Between 2013-2015 and 2019-2021, the prevalence of undernourishment increased from 14.8% to 16.3%.
  • 38.4% of children under five years suffer from stunted growth, 21% suffer from wasting, and 35.7% are underweight.
  • Malnutrition is one of the leading causes of child mortality, responsible for almost half of all deaths among children under five years old.

Your Generosity Transforms Lives

At IMRC, we are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those in need through our various humanitarian drives. From providing essential resources like food, clean water, and healthcare to empowering individuals through education and support, our organization strives to address key challenges facing communities around the world. With the generous support of donors like you, we are able to tackle issues such as poverty, hunger, lack of access to education and healthcare, and environmental concerns. Together, we can create a brighter future for all, one drive at a time.

Take Action Now:

Donate now and be the driving force behind feeding the needy, and bringing hope to those who need it the most.

Your Generosity Transforms Lives:

Every single donation helps to achieve a lot, and your invaluable support means the world to those benefitting from our cause.

Fight Hunger Today

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