Lifeline for Communities

As the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "The best charity is giving water to drink." (Reference: Ibn Majah 3670)

Transforming lives by providing clean, safe water through wells, filtration systems, and hygiene education
India has only 4% of the world’s fresh water resources, but 16% of the global population, making it one of the most water-stressed countries in the world

Supporting Other Water Drive Across India

At IMRC, we are dedicated to providing clean and accessible water to those living in water-scarce areas across the country. With over 1300 water wells already built in India, we have made a significant impact in improving the lives of countless individuals. Each year, our water relief projects benefit over 270,000 individuals and beyond, ensuring they have access to clean and safe water for their daily needs. However, there is still so much more we can do with your support.

Water is not just a basic necessity; it is a lifeline. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world, including many in India, are still deprived of this fundamental resource. That’s where we step in. By building water wells and installing pumps, we bring hope, health, and opportunities to communities in need.

Through Our Water Drive Project, You Can help In 2 Ways:

$2500 to build a water well
There is no greater feeling than knowing you have made a difference in someone's life. With your help, we can build more water wells, install more pumps, and bring hope to countless communities across our country. Join us today in our mission to create a world where clean water is a reality for all.

India is facing a water crisis, with 91 million people (6% of the population) lacking access to safe drinking water, and 746 million people (54%) lacking access to safely managed household sanitation facilities

An average of 200,000 Indian lives are lost every year due to inadequate supply or contamination of water. About 75% of India’s households do not have drinking water at home, and 70% of India’s water is contaminated

21% of communicable diseases in India are connected to unsafe water. 500 children younger than five die from diarrhea every day in India. Malnutrition causes nearly half of all deaths among children under five years.

India has a high rate of groundwater depletion, which is the main source of irrigation and domestic water supply. The groundwater level has declined by more than 60% in the last decade.


Your Generosity Transforms Lives

At IMRC, we are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those in need through our various humanitarian drives. From providing essential resources like food, clean water, and healthcare to empowering individuals through education and support, our organization strives to address key challenges facing communities around the world. With the generous support of donors like you, we are able to tackle issues such as poverty, hunger, lack of access to education and healthcare, and environmental concerns. Together, we can create a brighter future for all, one drive at a time.

A Single Drop, A Profound Impact

Imagine the joy of a child as they no longer have to walk for miles to fetch water, the relief on a mother’s face as she sees her family’s health improve, and the optimism in the eyes of a farmer who can now cultivate crops all year round. It is these transformative moments that inspire our work and drive our passion to do more.

The Power of Your Contribution

Every drop counts, and so does every dollar. Your donation will directly support the construction of water wells in areas where access to clean water is a constant struggle. By donating today, you become part of a movement that saves lives, empowers communities, and creates lasting change





  • India has only 4% of the world’s fresh water resources, but 16% of the global population, making it one of the most water-stressed countries in the world12.
  • India is facing a water crisis, with 91 million people (6% of the population) lacking access to safe drinking water, and 746 million people (54%) lacking access to safely managed household sanitation facilities3.
  • An average of 200,000 Indian lives are lost every year due to inadequate supply or contamination of water. About 75% of India’s households do not have drinking water at home, and 70% of India’s water is contaminated4.
  • 21% of communicable diseases in India are connected to unsafe water. 500 children younger than five die from diarrhea every day in India. Malnutrition causes nearly half of all deaths among children under five years43.
  • India has a high rate of groundwater depletion, which is the main source of irrigation and domestic water supply. The groundwater level has declined by more than 60% in the last decade15.

A Single Drop, A Profound Impact

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